Get the message out there!
Are you ready for this? Scarecrow Video has the world's largest video library that includes over 132,000 videos. Truly incredible! Netflix, Hulu and Amazon together only have a combined collection of 36,000 movies. I created the typographic image (above) that becomes the primary focus on the homepage, bringing attention to this key message.
Create a site that better conveys that Scarecrow is a nonprofit.
They have had this status for only the last five years but there is still a very low awareness of this. By highlighting three primary areas of focus on the donations page, the user can see where the funding is being directed. I have also used icons on each page, directing users to the donations page.
Update the aesthetics and look-and-feel of the site.
If the website looks old, it reinforces the notion that being in the video/DVD business, Scarecrow must be out of step with the times. I have created a fresh playful visual system and integrated it into a more streamlined user interface design.